Tax & Advisory Specialists

Tax always comes into play in almost every facet of the business. To avoid surprise losses related to tax, tax advice needs to be sought before you enter into business transactions. Hence, tax planning is best developed in advance. However, certain transactions may have been undertaken without proper tax planning or even without any tax planning at all.
In those situations, you will need to identify tax risks and find ways to mitigate them. We are ready to satisfy your needs.
When it comes to paying employees, laws and the IRS have made the payroll function a time consuming nightmare for the small business owner.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
It's Cost Effective
Reduce overhead by removing the need to hire specialized employees.
It's a Time Saver
Our payroll service eliminates the burden of customizing, updating and maintaining your own payroll system--no more data entry, no more researching updates or new laws, no more worries.
Worry Free Payroll Tax Filing
Eliminate the risks of calculating and filing your own payroll taxes by having professionals do it for you.
Allows You To Focus On Core Competencies
We are accounting professionals--you get the experts working for you and with you.
Comprehensive Reports
You get a wide variety of user-friendly and accurate payroll reports.
Building and preserving your personal wealth requires specialized attention. You get one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.
Save enough for a comfortable retirement by identifying your retirement needs, analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Pay for your child's college education by accurately estimating the amount of money you'll need, analyzing your assets, reviewing estimated shortfalls and considering general alternatives and strategies to help address these potential shortfalls, and developing an optimal savings plan given your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Achieve your investment goals by identifying the steps needed to maximize your investment returns as well as the steps needed to help minimize your risk while building increased predictability of your investment returns.
Cash Management
Our cash management service allows you to...
know when, where, and how your cash needs will occur.
know what the best sources are for meeting your additional cash needs.
be prepared to meet these needs when they occur, by keeping good relationships with bankers and other creditors.
The starting point for avoiding a cash crisis is allowing us to develop a cash flow projection for you. We can help you develop both short-term (weekly, monthly) cash flow projections to help you manage daily cash, and long-term (annual, 3-5 year) cash flow projections to help you develop the necessary capital strategy to meet your business needs.
As a small business owner you have more important things to do than to keep your own books. We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
These tasks form the solid foundation of your small business accounting system.
Wills & Trusts
Estate planning on your own can be complicated and costly. And the list is endless... state taxes, bureaucracy, probate courts, unfair appraisals, health care concerns, eligibility of heirs, life insurance, IRA's, 401K's, annuities, burial or cremation costs, and intent regarding death-postponing treatment to name a few. Not knowing your legal and financial rights often ends up costing you more in the end.
Thoughts of estate planning often bring more questions than answers: Could an heir be too young to inherit? Should the inheritance be given at a certain age? Is the intended beneficiary in a shaky marriage with divorce as a possibility? Are there children from a previous marriage? Should inheritance be protected from potential creditors of the heir? Are there taxes that can be avoided? Are you able to avoid the probate court rules, delays, and costs?
Planning what happens to your estate when you're gone can seem frustrating and intimidating without qualified help.
You may feel that you're too young to care about estate planning. Or, perhaps the reminder of death makes you uncomfortable. You might be tempted to put the whole thing off, assuming that it will just take care of itself. In all cases, estate planning ends up saving your family lots of time, heartache and money.